Mastering new tasks can present even the most well-established team with a difficult challenge. New situations break up the old structures and a group has to reassemble itself. This often results in disorientation or even friction within the group without consciously forcing it. This is where team development and team coaching come into play.
In comparison to team building, which is supposed to give the group a "we-feeling" and causes an increase of the general cohesion (see team building), the focus of team development and team coaching is rather on a concrete problem or a concrete topic. Thus, the area of team development and team coaching can also be seen as a building and intensifying measure of team building.
"Team development is the process, team coaching the leading measure."
The term team development does not describe a one-time event or one-time instruction during a session. Rather, team development can be understood as a process of the group facing new tasks and still working efficiently, goal-oriented and together.
An essential part of this process is the "Phase Model of Team Development" developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965. This is divided into five phases, which a team goes through during a task or solution finding:
- Forming – orientation phase
- Storming – confrontation phase
- Norming – organizational phase
- Performing – performance phase
- Adjouring – solution phase
The term team coaching describes the professional accompaniment of the group through this process. The team trainer helps, guides, moderates and is always available to the group, providing impetus and reflecting on what has been seen and experienced. However, the team's ability to help itself and find solutions on its own is always given priority, as this is the goal of the program. The group should regulate and organize itself. Feedback is another important part of team coaching. Only by explaining to other team members how the individual felt during the process or how individual situations were perceived can an understanding be developed as to why they may have acted differently at certain moments. The team trainer introduces these feedback rounds at specific points and helps the team to organize such feedback rounds themselves in the future.
Team development and team coaching can bring improvements due to the following, or in the following situations:
- Clarify the tasks and roles of team members
- Increased self-responsibility of the group members
- Solving dysfunction
- Regularly occurring or new conflicts in the team
- Increasing the efficiency of the group
In our individually created team development and team coaching programs, your team is led under professional guidance in a secure environment through this process. Here, too, we focus on sustainability and long-term success so that the group is always prepared for new situations and conflicts have no negative impact on productivity or quality. The rituals worked into the program are always intended to remind the team of what they have learned in their everyday life, thus strengthening the success of the program.
In our individually created team development and team coaching programs, we guide your team through this process under professional supervision in a safe environment. Here, too, we focus on sustainability and long-term success so that the group is always prepared for new situations and conflicts do not have a negative impact on productivity or quality. Rituals incorporated into the program should always remind the team of what they have learned in everyday life and thus consolidate the success of the program.