Albert Einstein was convinced: "Once the bee disappears from earth, man has only four years to live. No more bee, no more pollination, no more plants, no more people."
In the workshop, participants can learn how to protect honeybees while also promoting the preservation of functioning habitats. Like an individual honeybee, your employees are part of a bigger picture and important for your business to be successful. Let your employees experience the value they have in your company and invite them to a beekeeper workshop. This will not only strengthen the bond with your company, but also the awareness that the needs of humans and the needs of bees should be in balance.
The beekeeper workshop is designed to give participants an insight into the work and everyday life of beekeepers and provides them with interesting information about beekeeping. Participants learn what it means to be a beekeeper and what year-round tasks are involved. They will also learn how honey is produced and how much work goes into making a single jar of honey.
And don't be afraid of the bees! You can also go up close to the beehive and curiously take a look.